Every Condo Board’s Guide to the Cost Proportions for their Corporation

cost proportions for condo corporations

Let’s talk cost proportions for your condo corporation’s expenses. The monthly common element fees (CEF) your condo board collects come with an obligation to your unit owners. Your job is to ensure you allot those funds properly to cover expenses and manage your reserve fund effectively. Here we offer a comprehensive guide to help you…

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What are the Core Responsibilities Involved in Managing A Condo Corporation vs. Administration?

Condo Management

The title “Condo Manager” can be misleading. While one condo corporation might hire a Condo Manager to oversee administrative duties, another might hire them to carry out duties that require a license. The Condominium Management Services Act defines the core responsibilities of a licensed Condo Manager. Here we compare the core responsibilities of a licensed…

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Condo Life Stages: What Makes Buildings Vulnerable at Each Life Stage

condo life stages

Condo buildings go through five life stages, each with its own vulnerabilities. Here, we look at what makes condo buildings vulnerable at each stage of the aging process to help you create a more predictive maintenance plan.  Under a Year: The Pre-Natal Life Stage  Feeling confident your reserve fund won’t be needed during the pre-natal…

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What’s a Healthy Reserve Fund?

condo reserve funds

Your condo reserve fund sets aside money for non-routine repairs and replacements. However, if your board isn’t careful, you can make critical errors that make it impossible to cover these necessary capital expenditures. As a result, your residents face the risk of special assessments.  Here we look at what is considered a healthy reserve fund…

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3 Hidden Condo Damages Every Board Should Know About

hidden damage to condos

Your building envelope is susceptible to direct and indirect damage. Direct damage is obvious and occurs to the building envelope itself. Indirect damage is hidden and results when direct damage is not addressed. As a result, indirect damage ends up costing your condo money as it is slow and progressive. Here, we look at three…

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How Building Envelope Inspections Can Save Your Condo Board Money

Building inspection

Assessments play an essential role in preventive maintenance plans. You can take your assessments to the next level by including building envelope inspections to identify high-cost deficiencies. Here’s how building envelope inspections can save your condo board money. What Do Condo Building Envelope Inspections Involve? Building envelope inspections help find issues in your building envelope…

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Why Your Condo Board Should Consult with a Building Envelope Expert Before Exterior Renos

building envelope

Your condo’s building envelope includes the exterior walls, foundations, roof, windows, and doors. The envelope protects your interiors from the elements and is the main building component contributing to energy efficiency. Before you embark on exterior deep retrofits or upgrades, it makes sense to consult with a building envelope expert. Here’s why. Building Envelope Expertise…

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Top Condo Board Tips to Fairly and Effectively Manage Maintenance Requests and Repairs

condo unit requests

Your condo board is constantly receiving maintenance and repair requests from condo owners. If you need help prioritizing requests, use our pro property management tips to help ensure you are fair, cost-effective, and responsive. Prioritize Amongst Unit Requests A common mistake condo boards make is not prioritizing work based on urgency. Prioritization always puts safety…

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4 Frequently Overlooked Details When Managing Shared Amenities In Condos

condo amenity management

Effective management of shared amenities can often focus too much on cleaning and maintenance. Here we look at four frequently overlooked details when managing shared condo amenities. 1.Visitor Parking Visitor parking is often difficult to monitor due to the location. However, a comprehensive management plan helps ensure use aligns with your condo parking bylaws. Visitor…

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