The Top Lessons Condo Boards Learned in 2023

2023 condo roundup

Every year your condo community and its management learn from mistakes and triumphs that help inform your decisions in the new year. Here we look at the top lessons condo boards learned in 2023 to provide valuable insights that make your board wiser and stronger. Forensics Help Avoid Future Mistakes Forensics has become a popular…

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How Condo Board Management of “Nuisance Alarms” Saves Money

Condo Board Management Saves Money

Nuisance alarms are not just inconvenient. They can have long lasting repercussions that can lead not only to lost money, but also lost lives. Here’s how management of nuisance alarms can save money while helping to keep your community safe.  The Impact of Nuisance Alarms False fire alarms or “nuisance alarms” in condominiums impact your…

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Why Your Condo Board Must Include Residents In Fire Safety Plans

Condo fire safety plans

High-rise buildings in Ontario require fire safety plans under section 2.8 of the Ontario Fire Code. As a critical part of building safety, everyone who lives and works in the building must understand how the plan works and their role when a fire alarm goes off. Here we look at why your condo board must…

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How to Keep Your Condo Parking Scalable for Increasing EV Demand – Part 2

EV Condo Parking

In Part 1 of our series, we reviewed the importance of understanding your capacity, establishing an advisory committee, and creating an EV policy. Here we look at government funding, responsibility for initiating the installation, and details related to charges and charging station ownership.  Investigate ZEVIP  Look into the possibility of covering costs through the Zero…

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Spotlight On Condo Window Replacement With Useful Tips For Success

Condo Window Replacement

The windows of your condo property impact the building’s aesthetics, energy efficiency, and water/air tightness. When your condo board embarks on a window replacement project, addressing these factors is critical. Here, we spotlight condo window replacements with tips for success.  Timing for Condo Window Replacement A general rule of thumb is that windows require replacement…

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Every Condo Board’s Guide to Ontario’s Complicated Building Permit Process

Condo Building Permit

Your condo board has a tough enough learning curve without trying to understand the complicated building permit process. To help make things easier, we’ve broken down the most critical building restoration administrative steps so you can cruise through the process from application to approval.  Identify Your Zoning Your condo’s building zoning is crucial as it…

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5 Eye-opening Ways to Modernize Tired Old Condo Buildings

Modern Condo Buildings

Condo buildings start to lose appeal and value the moment they look tired and old. However, your condo board can modernize your building to revitalize curb appeal and create a more inviting, upscale lobby. Here are five eye-opening ways to modernize your condo building to maintain value, improve owner satisfaction, and boost energy efficiency. Update…

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Money-Saving Building Restoration Tips Every Condo Board Should Know

Condo Building Restoration

Exterior building restoration is a capital project requiring careful budgeting. However, where many condo boards go wrong is sacrificing quality to save money. As a result, they face additional costs in material repairs and replacements down the road. Here, we share practical money-saving building restoration tips that save money in the short and long term.   …

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Every Condo Board’s Guide to the Cost Proportions for their Corporation

cost proportions for condo corporations

Let’s talk cost proportions for your condo corporation’s expenses. The monthly common element fees (CEF) your condo board collects come with an obligation to your unit owners. Your job is to ensure you allot those funds properly to cover expenses and manage your reserve fund effectively. Here we offer a comprehensive guide to help you…

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