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When condo boards strike the right notes in their communication it can really help build a happier, more engaged community. While many condo boards stick to traditional newsletters as a means of condo communication with residents and unit owners, others are adding social media with mixed results. Social media is an excellent tool to keep condo residents informed of changes in real time. However, when handled poorly it can also open your condo board to resident skepticism and potential legal issues. Here’s how your condo board can ace condo communication using social media.
Outline a Social Media Policy
Assigning a task force to manage the launch of your social media pages is a good starting point. They can draft a social media policy to present to the board and lawyers. Your social media policy should include:
A list of acceptable content in condo communication
• A provision that the board reserves the right to remove the offending post(s) and/or terminate access to any person who does not follow board posting policy.
• Set perimeters for posts and follower engagement with an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
• Outline of acceptable content such as events, updates, maintenance schedules, meeting times, etc.
• Ensure content is private for residents/owners only
Social media security
• Frequency of password updates
• Who has access to account passwords
• Who has an administrative status for your pages
• Who oversees the maintenance
Having legal input at the onset of establishing condo communication via social media channels can reduce the risk of social media misuse and potential lawsuits. Your policy should be updated at least once a year, or as required to suit changing laws.
Social Media Strategy to Boost Condo Communication

A clearly defined social media strategy can be included in your policy or as a standalone guide. Your strategy should outline:
• What platform(s) you will use
• What information you will share
• How comments will be managed and by whom
• Who will be responsible for posting
• Who must approve content
• Schedule for post frequency
A condo board’s social media goals and objectives should be to provide up to date information relevant to the community.
Social Media Posts to Avoid
To minimize risk, avoid posts with the following content:
• Resident photos without consent
• Confidential board business including links to relevant documents and policies
• Private information of a resident/owner/employee or board member
• Posts directed at someone in your community
• Information or comments that can help promote a board member’s personal agenda
• Inflammatory or defaming remarks of any kind
By keeping your condo communication on social aligned with your AUP, you can avoid potential legal problems while helping maintain a strong sense of community.
Social Media Monitoring
Monitoring your social media for comments and questions provides a valuable tool to assist with:
• Measuring overall community sentiment based on comments and engagement
• Connecting with residents in a timely manner
• Resolving issues
• Improved board listening
• Identifying common resident pain points
Monitoring also allows you to watch for inappropriate use by followers.
Responding to Comments

Having someone available to respond to comments and questions as part of condo communication online is important. Responses should be limited to the content outline in your social media policy. All other conversations should be “taken offline” through a private message or phone conversation. The same goes for negative comments. It’s easiest to simply acknowledge a commenter’s concerns and let them know you will message them directly.
Your social media pages should act as a supplement for other channels of condo communication. This ensures all residents have access to the same information.
The team at CPO Management Inc, a seasoned property management company serving Toronto and the GTA condominium corporations, are expert communicators. We can help you improve communication to create a more tightly knit community. Reach out to our team today.