Debunking Common Exterior Building Restoration Myths for New Condo Board Members

building restoration myths for condo boards

Congratulations on your new position as a condo board member! While you might be excited about your new role, it comes with a lot of responsibility, including assisting with condo renovation responsibilities like exterior building restoration projects. Here we help debunk common exterior building restoration myths to help you ace your first capital expense project…

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How to overcome common condo balcony issues

condo balcony

While condo balconies provide additional space to residents, they can also pose additional headaches for condo boards. Because each resident might have their own idea of how to use their balcony, boards should be prepared to handle resident complaints. Here is how your board can take a proactive approach to overcome common condo balcony issues.…

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The Most Common Condo Board HR Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Costly HR mistakes condo boards make

HR mistakes can contribute to staff turnover and disrupt day to day property operations. Here we look at the most disruptive HR mistakes condo boards make and how you can avoid them by hiring a property management company. Too Many Directions lead to HR Mistakes When more than one board member gets involved with staff…

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Most Common Condo Board Mistakes to Avoid

Common condo board mistakes to avoid

As a condo board member, your job is tough. You need to represent your community while not letting your own needs or beliefs fog your judgement. As well, every penny you spend ultimately must improve the value of the condo. All this while you selflessly volunteer your time. With so much riding on your actions,…

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Top Tips to Onboard New Condo Board Members for Success

Top Tips to Onboard New Condo Board Members for Success

New condo board members often face an uphill battle learning the ropes and understanding their directive. As volunteers they bring varying skills to the board, which makes getting them up to speed a challenge. To help in the onboarding process, here we share our top tips for new condo board members’ success.  Develop an Onboarding…

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Inflation: How to Prepare for 2025 Reserve Fund Study Sticker Shock

Inflation: How to Prepare for 2024 Reserve Fund Study Sticker Shock

Construction inflation is putting pressure on condo boards to find strategies to make up for significant cost increases in refund studies. Inflation could mean making some hard decisions, including introducing common element fee increases or special assessments, putting further financial strain on condo owners. Here we offer tips to help your condo board prepare for…

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I Quit! How to Gain Control of Condo Board Member Churn

I Quit! How to Gain Control of Condo Board Member Churn

Ongoing board member resignations can cause operational disruptions, interfering with your board’s efficiency and effectiveness. However, you can use the following strategies to help avoid resignations and gain control of condo board member churn.  Focus on Resignation Prevention Resignation prevention focuses on simple strategies that help ensure board member satisfaction and success, including:  Formalize your…

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