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Condo maintenance became a lot more challenging with the arrival of COVID-19. The City of Toronto calls for heavier duty cleansers and cleaning schedules. In addition, property management companies in Toronto and beyond have the responsibility to protect the most vulnerable residents in their condos. Here is a list of the residents most at risk and how you can help keep them safe.
Understanding Who’s at Risk
The larger the population of your condo complex, the larger the risk. While those over 60 are at higher risk when they contract the COVID-19 virus, there are also those who have:
- Underlying medical conditions such as respiratory diseases, cancer, heart disease, etc.
- Compromised immune systems
- Reading, speaking, or communication issues
- No access to health care or advice
- Challenges taking preventive measures such as hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes, etc.
- Ongoing specialized medical care or support
- The need for special transportation
- Economic challenges or unstable work
- Essential workers dealing with the public
- Frontline healthcare workers
- Doing more to help higher-risk residents can ensure everyone is as safe as possible.
Use Effective Visuals
Make sure your posters about COVID-19 best practices include visuals. Graphics make instructions easier to understand. Larger fonts make it easier to read. Post instructions anywhere you see high traffic. Share instructions via email (to reduce touching the letters) or in the mail if you haven’t already.
Best Practices for Confirmed Cases
Your property management company in Toronto as well as your condo board should have a policy designed to protect residents from confirmed cases. Produce a separate best practices instruction sheet for those who contract the virus. Share the document with every resident preferably via email. Share new information about the virus as it becomes available. For example, if you have a confirmed case in the building, send out a communique. However, remember you cannot share the name or unit of the resident. Inform residents public health is aware of the case. Explain you are following their direction to help protect everyone working and living in the complex.
Establish a COVID -19 “Hotline”
Create a website or a telephone line where residents can request help from a condo rep. As well, an online forum allows residents to chat among themselves. The community can reach out to each other for help if needed. This might include a request for groceries or medical supplies from those in quarantine.
Offer Assistance to those that Need it the Most
If you know of residents more likely to need help, consider reaching out. This can be via email or phone. If you don’t have contact information, drop off a note at their door.
Boards and Property Management Companies in Toronto Condos must Remain Diligent
It is not uncommon for people to become more relaxed as the pandemic continues. However, remaining diligent is a must to protect the most vulnerable in your complex. This includes:
- Maintaining the strictest cleaning and disinfecting regime in all common areas
- Ensuring residents are not meeting with guests on the property or their own units
- Discouraging non-essential repairs or renovations in units
- Limiting the number of people in elevators, mailrooms, laundry rooms, etc.
- Ensuring essential service providers such as security companies, electricians, etc. understand your pandemic policies
- Keeping updated on the latest COVID-19 instructions and restrictions
- Keeping residents informed of community updates or changes
Following these tips helps ensure you protect your most vulnerable residents.
If you would like assistance from an experienced property management company in Toronto to manage your property through these difficult times and beyond, the team at CPO Management is here to help. Reach out to us today.