Inflation: How to Prepare for 2024 Reserve Fund Study Sticker Shock

Inflation: How to Prepare for 2024 Reserve Fund Study Sticker Shock

Construction inflation is putting pressure on condo boards to find strategies to make up for significant cost increases in refund studies. Inflation could mean making some hard decisions, including introducing common element fee increases or special assessments, putting further financial strain on condo owners. Here we offer tips to help your condo board prepare for…

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Top Tips to Onboard New Condo Board Members for Success

Top Tips to Onboard New Condo Board Members for Success

New condo board members often face an uphill battle learning the ropes and understanding their directive. As volunteers they bring varying skills to the board, which makes getting them up to speed a challenge. To help in the onboarding process, here we share our top tips for new condo board members’ success.  Develop an Onboarding…

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