The One Critical Skill Setting Outstanding Property Managers from the Rest

The One Critical Skill Setting Outstanding Property Managers from the Rest

Although condo property management is a licenced profession, many condo boards seek property managers with supporting MBAs. While you need to run your condo corporation like a business, the one critical skill that makes more sense in property management focuses on a different area of expertise: Engineering. Here’s why property managers with an engineering background…

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How Internet Access Resilience Reduces Risks of Buggy TO Condo Connections

How Internet Access Resilience Reduces Risks of Buggy TO Condo Connections

If the Rogers outage of 2022 taught us anything, it’s that internet access is viewed as an essential service. As a result, your condo board needs to ensure you provide a reliable, disruption-free internet connection. Here we explore internet access resilience as a viable way to reduce the risks of buggy connections. What is Internet…

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